I am so excited and honoured to bring to you this new spiritual ascension process, channelled by Julie Anne Hart. I received the calling at the end of 2023 and personally experienced working with these symbols to deepen my connection to original source.
I am now ready to teach and share this incredible gift with you.
The Ascension Touch Symbols” bridge the gap between the earth plane and the heavenly universe.
You ascend in your humanness far beyond your current awareness.
Moving you to a higher level of awareness and spiritual intellect.
Ascension is to simply be the beauty and the brilliance of your original source.
To access the unconditional divinity of love that dwells within you.
When you are in alignment with your original source you relate to yourself, to others, to the planet, to your purpose and to the divine universe is a whole new you.
A way that is less judgmental or critical.
The heart opens, the body is receptive, and the mind aligns to the spirit of love that is within you.
The Ascension systems have been channelled as a means of conduit communication between the physical realms of the Earth plane and the non-physical realms of the Divine Universe.
Symbols have been used in spiritual practices for centuries and are considered to hold the destiny of a sacred encoding.
Many ancient civilizations are known to have both found and channelled symbolic writings.
The way these sacred symbols were given in their original art form encodes the light language of spiritual communication.
It is a calling that your spirit (the being of) the human is ready to access a deeper spiritual awakening into more spiritual and self-awareness.
The Ascension Touch Symbols are a way and means of which for you to access more knowledge, intuition, and enlightenment to heal, empower and lead from your higher self-awareness, thus infinitely leading you to the infinite best version of yourself.
A higher conscious knowing will in time enter your awareness as you continue your spiritual journey, aided by the power of the Ascension Touch Symbols.
You are giving your higher permission to make a deeper spiritual connection from where ascended beings can communicate to you.
There are no set outcomes and no guarantees. For as you know when you embark upon a spiritual path, we are open to appreciate with gratitude that what presents to us for our highest good, is in alignment with the way spirit moves not what our ego thinks its wants or needs.
To work with these symbols, you will need to be already on a spiritual journey.
To place your faith, trust, and belief in the way the universe mysteriously works.
The ego of expectation is a demand, such is a demand that is diminishes the art of allowing the unconditional love of divine energy to enter into your frequency.
The ego is a limitation to our senses and emotional intelligence and can be a barrier to our own unique inner knowing, the intuition of our 6th sense.
The Ascension touch symbols will work unique with the individual person.
The energy will work where it is needed and in its own time.
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I invite you to take a pause, take some time just for you.
Gift yourself some Self love and Self care and with this gentle meditation journey within to meet your beautiful and magnificent Self.
Feel the love and light that you truly are.
from my heart to yours
Esther x