Wisdom Teacher of Native American Spirituality - Spotlight, medicine for the Soul.
The Art of Being Self Empowerment Guide, RISE Feminine Leadership Consultant and Spiritual Coach offering A Journey to Joy & the sacred teachings We Are Returning.
I work with the energy of Grandfather Sun.
I shine the spotlight so you can see all that you are,
and all that you are here to be.
When you work with the power of the Sun you empower your Self.
It is fertility, it is creation.
The Great Union of the masculine and the feminine RISES
into its genderless power of love and unlimited creation.
10 years ago I was exhausted on the relentless, toxic treadmill of the corporate system. I was overworked, anxious and very stressed.
My whole sense of being, my identity, was firmly attached to a corporate definition of success. I pushed myself so hard to climb the corporate ladder, thinking that the key to feeling success, happiness & fulfilment must be found at the next rung, so I kept climbing, doing more, earning more, the more, more, more....
Only to find that when I reached the top rung, rather than feel happy, fulfilled and successful, I actually felt nothing at all.
I had switched off all my senses. In order to survive.
It may come as no surprise to hear that I fell off the ladder! I landed with a thud at the bottom of a black hole - I stood up and spoke out against a toxic culture where profit was placed before people, but I was not heard and I was pushed out. At the same time in my personal life another major life changing event happened to me, requiring lifesaving emergency surgery.
Like the nursery rhyme character Humpty Dumpty it was a great fall!
The fuel that had kept me driving for success dried up when I realised that the trade off for this definition of success had been all of my Self!
My physical & mental health and any sense of well-being were non existent and I had zero awareness of my spiritual being.
What I didn’t know then is that I was never going to find any true sense of success, happiness, or fulfilment, on this journey to a destination I had never even considered for myself.
For I was seeking an external definition of success and using somebody else’s sat nav system to try to get me there!
I didn’t know that I had my own satnav system or that if I learnt to tune into that it would know exactly the destination that was right for me, and that it would show me the roadmap to success, happiness and fulfilment.
I didn’t know that the answers I was seeking were all inside of myself.
I didn’t know that I was more than a one dimensional physical body.
For the truth is that we are multi-dimensional beings, we have a divine being within the human body, your Spirit. The true Self.
In our world today we live so disconnected and separated from this part of ourselves, in fact, we are taught to seek externally for what we perceive we need.
When we must seek inner not outer!
Often when someone uses the word Spirit there is a false connotation with the spooky/occult stuff of Hollywood movies or a set religion. I can reassure you isn’t any of those!
Your spirit is YOU!
The Divine being within you,
your Goddess.
It is your true identity and it gives to you everything.
It is your sat nav system! and it is the fuel that ignites your power, purpose, potential & prosperity and it knows exactly what is right for you.
When your Spirit is in the driving seat, your life becomes the magnificent adventure it was always destined to be.
It holds the key to your true success.
I had no idea what success meant to me, I had never considered it could be anything different than the collective definition of the more, more, more material wealth.
I have learnt that success is unique to an individual, it’s aligned to your unique & special purpose - USP for being here.
I was not clear about anything I had no clarity!
I now know that what I perceived to be a great fall, was a misperception!
I thought I had suffered the greatest injury.
The loss of my identity.
I realise in actual fact it was the greatest gift!
It was a divine intervention.
A great stop.
And it was a great start.
A new dawn, a new beginning on the journey to discovering my real identity.
A homecoming - Finding Esther!
Returning through a process of awakening and remembering the truth of me.
The beginning of finding the light within me that I am here to share with you.
5 years ago I did not have a spiritual practice, infact, I thought it was all a bit weird!
Despite having experienced spiritual connection, healing and guidance, ( I was divinely guided on another personal journey over many years, my quest to become a Mother) I kept it at arms length.
I dipped a toe in and then back out again!
I know now that to walk a spiritual path with wisdom requires you to tread with all of your foot, not to tiptoe lightly at the edge of your creation!
I dissociated from my spirituality (the divine being within me and my divine guides) through switching off my own senses, my energy was very dense and heavy and so there was no room for any love and light to get in!
Because my life felt so hard - everything crap seemed to happen to me! I had been bullied since the age of 12 to varying degrees, and so I had protected myself by hiding in the shadows. I felt like a victim, I felt scared and frightened of life, I did not trust many people, I was stress, struggling and striving, not thriving!
I was fed up with people saying to me ‘Esther you are just one of those people that everything happens to'
I was blindfolded to the truth, I thought that all these crap, and at times, traumatic life experiences were sent to punish me, or because I somehow deserved them, when the truth is they were lessons to show me, and to grow me into my purpose.
To show me how to return to understanding and mastering my own energy, for like attracts like.
And although difficult to consider I do appreciate! I now know that I have chosen every experience I have ever had, am having and ever will have, for my own soul evolution.
The truth is that any healing crisis, any significant upheaval, unexpected change is actually a sign that the divine is always serving you. It is a divine intervention.
The divine being within you has chosen this time for your next stage of soul evolution, of spiritual expansion. When these things show up in your life, they are all ways to assist you to move out of the ego Self and create space for a deeper and higher journey, coming more into oneness. It is true that not all adversity is as it may seem!
I was also saturated in fear, I dare not step out of the familiar. Even though the familiar was so painful, it felt safe! I did not want to be different, to stand out, to be seen, I wanted to blend in, to stay safe. And so I had most definitely dimmed my own light. I had switched off the lights and I was in the dark for a long time. The dark night of my Soul has lasted many moons!
As I have shared I had spent my entire life pursuing success on the toxic treadmill of the corporate system and had built an identity that enabled me to survive in that environment, built on the title, the role and with that definition of success. My life was all about work, no balance. It was a false identity that consumed me.
On that road, I had developed quite a few layers of dysfunctional thoughts, feelings and behaviours in my constant seeking for a feeling of fulfilment, of meaning, of something!
And so even thought I found myself discarded like a broken part and I was no longer a cog within the corporate machine, that had further stripped and separated my Self from and to my Self,
I had not changed.
I was still highly dysfunctional with no self awareness and given my career had abruptly ended I felt completely lost.
The job was me, wasn't it?
Who was I now?
What was my purpose?
What was the point of me?
I felt like a failure.
I was still an external seeker.
My self saboteur was still very much in control of my life, the part of me that holds the past, the pain, the persecution, the punishment, that I had projected all over myself. I kept busy, constantly socialising, a 'shop till I drop' habit. Let me be clear ladies, there is no criticism or judgement here! there is nothing wrong with having beautiful material things, who doesn't love a Mulberry handbag! but shopping for more stuff, the more, more, more was most definitely my quick short-term addictive high to address an emotional low.
Playing out in the background was a part of me that I did not know, my true Self, my inner Goddess - and she was crying out to be heard, for me to listen and connect to her, but I was pretty well practiced at ignoring her and so I got even busier being busy, no time to think, no time to feel, no time to be, no time.
And then at the start of 2020 I heard her cry. ..
I had been feeling very restless for about 6 months, and despite being so much better than before! Feeling loved, secure, being blessed with the gift of motherhood, moving into my dream forever home and getting very busy gardening and planning interiors, I still felt very unsettled.
Like something quite big was still missing, I began to consider there must be something wrong with me! This unease, this sense of seeking, it’s hard to describe, I liken it to a 7 year itch that just would not go away! it was very bothersome!
It coincided with the great pause of Covid 19 where my usual busyness was sabotaged.
One day whilst gardening, and not really thinking about anything deep and meaningful, I suddenly started sobbing, you know the great big wracking sobs that make your body shake!
There I was rooted to the spot, kneeling in the soil, wondering what on earth was happening to me - perhaps this was the menopause!
I felt like a bystander observing a heated conversation going on between two parts of myself, it was like an angel and a demon at battle!
The angel begging to be set free, talking about her passion to create change in leadership, return to unity?! she was using words like freedom, liberation and reverence! Wise words indeed, but ones I did not recognise.
The demon did not like this at all! and was shouting very loudly, terrible unkind things like - of course you can't be free, what are you talking about, who even are you! you are nothing, you have no gifts, skills or talents, you are pointless, you do not deserve to be seen, you have nothing of any value to say....really nasty, hurtful words. It was a shameful and vicious rhetoric. It literally took my breath away.
And because I identified with this part of myself, I felt despair as I realised how I related to myself.
Why was I being so awful to myself?
Why did I loathe myself?
Why did I feel so ashamed of myself?
Why did I feel so much pain?
There was zero Self love.
This experience was so painful, I felt such sorrow.
I literally want to curl up into the earth and disappear.
And then I saw in my minds eye a figure crouched near a cave with a crowd of people gathered around throwing rocks and shouting "shame on you, shame on you". I saw and felt the emotion of other atrocities that women have endured over centuries of time.
It was a huge shake up as well as a wake up!
I had a realisation that there was something being shown to me, there was part of me that had endured so much, over many lifetimes!
She was not broken.
She was rock solid and she rocked!
She was desperate to be set free.
I chose to listen to her in that moment.
Upon refection, I know that this angel was my Spirit, and the demon was my Ego! who with a lot of Self work leading to more Self love, I now have compassion for.
I know the vicious words were the great lengths it will go to to try to keep me safe, a false sense of safety, a well meaning if very delusional one. A part of me that holds the past, the pain, the punishment, that is fearful, and defends against my Spirit - that Exerts Governance Over me!
My Spirit kindly helped me to get up, to gather myself so she could speak to me, she advised me to stop thinking, as no logical reasoning of my mind would ever figure out what was happening!
She asked me to get a pen and a paper and to write down what she had to say. all poured out.....pages and pages, (I wrote a book!) she told me who I was and what I am here to do.
A week later I met Julie Anne Hart at my local hairdressers, Julie is a channel, voice to the divine, she is a spiritual leadership coach, she was the perfect person to guide me through my own spiritual awakening. She was divinely presented.
It turns out that what I wrote down with my pen and paper is exactly what I am here to do.....but before I can do it, before anyone can truly be of service to another - devoid of the ego (a regular or spiritual one!) you have to walk the walk, and commence an infinite journey home to the Spirit and return to the sacred heart that is in you.
And so, there I was armed with the clarity of who I am and what I am here to do, WOW! but that was just the start of the journey, because to become it and to do it is where the inner work really begins, this I am learning is an infinite journey...
There is no greater gift,
than the gift of knowing your Self.
Who you are
and what you are here to do.
For the past 4.5 years I have invested emotionally, mindfully, physically, spiritually and financially to become more of me, to learn to become better at mastering my own energetic frequency, to clear the density, to create space, so that I may receive all the love and light that is there for me (as it is for you) And to co-create so that I can share these offerings to others and step into my purposeful service.
For we are all messengers.
No matter where your are on your own spiritual path, we all have a footprint for good, a legacy, to seed and leave into the earth, for others to follow long after we have returned home.
It is the frequency of love, the source energy that runs through each and every one of us. When we change our vibration from fear to love, we naturally relate to ourselves, to others, to purpose, to the planet and to the divine in much healthier ways. In your healing, 7 generations back, 7 generations forward and the planet heal.
And some of you that have walked to my website, have a really big purpose, a sacred footprint that your soul agreed to deliver at this momentous time in history. A purpose that is pivotal for the ascension of humanity as Mother Earth moves to the 5th dimension, a divine purpose and positioning. You may not know what it is yet or how much you are needed but you will feel it - a bit like my itch that would not go away! If you feel it please have a look at the Footprint Leadership Retreat.
I work with spiritual practices and wisdom that is divinely presented, channelled from the highest intelligence source. I have been working with an amazing gifted teacher who is direct voice to the light-beings, spirit guides, the elders who have walked the earth before, who bring so much love and wisdom to planet earth, to help us step out of the pain and play a different game, one of care, compassion and humanity.
And through my own practice and dedication to build my own relationship, I too am a channel and conduit for my guides.
Julie Anne Hart as I have shared is my mentor and teacher, every week for 2 years I have met and journeyed with my spirit guides to remember who I am and my divine purpose, part of this is to return the teachings to others who feel the calling to receive.
I am blessed to work in co-creation with Julie, and a soul sister Maggie, who I have met on the way, and the 7 Grandmothers of the Light, the matriarchal celestial beings who are here to return feminine love to life and leadership, bringing to you the Footprint Leadership Retreat and the freely offered Way of the Footprint Community.
The wisdom of RISE Feminine Leadership 121 Coaching is delivered by these celestial beings.
I also follow and learn through investing in programmes ran by other intuitive channels, Lee Harris and Matt Kahn, that I feel a soul connection to.
I have made a commitment to my own spiritual calling, by being a consultant to myself, first and foremost, to walk with the medicine of my native elder Soul. The Wisdom Way, my own Journey to Joy, and I practice integrating this into my day to day reality, so that I may truly return to be spirit led and heart fed, no longer so ego led and mind fed! To be of service.
It isn't an easy path!
Stripping back the false Self (the egoic self) takes a great deal of strength and courage because it is an ongoing process of self awareness, of stripping back the layers that have created your ego self.
Coming face to face with onself, warts and all, is not a journey for the fainthearted, the journey, which is an infinite raod of recovery through more self discovery, has and continues to bring me to my knees at times! But every fall is worth it, for it rises me into so much more of my Self every time, with the awareness, comes acceptance and then through action to become more of a divinely inspired human being, I become more receptive to the higher vibrational frequencies that are presenting to Mother Earth at this moment, so that I am more open to be of divine service.
I am a divine being, being a human being! and I live in a world saturated in fear and so of course I feel the fear in me, stepping out of my comfort zone creates a great deal of discomfort! I am very aware of the internal patterning of self judgement and criticism that still can seek in which makes me procrastinate. I deeply feel the sorrow of the separation and the effects of this upon all of humanity and Mother Earth, but I understand that in order to heal, we have to feel to truly understand and discover.
I am committed to this process because I feel the depth of meaning beyond my business services and the importance of the footprint I agree to imprint.
My footprint is the mission I agreed to before I was born!
And even though that feels scary, some time more than others, and it requires me to make a movement, to stretch out of my comfort zone and work through whatever degree of discomfort presents, I know the familiar never leads to the footprint!
I dig deep and apply all the tools I have learnt to walk with faith. At times it feels a lonely path to walk because it is a walk of difference, (for now anyway, it will be so on trend in a few years!) and I know returning to your original source must return to you.
Your ascension journey is to walk with just your own footprints, but never alone, I am lovingly guided and supported by the Universe.
I know the key to success lies only within your Self.
My life has changed beyond measure, I have meaning and purpose and I am thriving no longer barely surviving, because I now see through my source eyes and I feel with all my senses (we have 10 not 5!) and when you see this way, you cannot and do not want to see in the limited way you once did!
I see and feel the absolute beauty and magnificent within me, of the gift of life, my breathe - the very life force that runs through me. And with the eye of eagle, my spirit totem, I see this and feel it within others and I have the wisdom and the ways to help you see this for your Self and to be your Self.
I have been blessed with receiving the teachings of the ancient medicine wheel that is needed to walk a path of difference, the beauty way, the wisdom way, that is encoded within my DNA, that paves the way to returning home to the magnificence within.
I have so much gratitude for all the love that is here for me. I feel joy frequently, not just as fleeting moments. I want everyone to feel this way.
I have absolute clarity on my North Star, my purpose is to teach this way, to return others, through my 121 Coaching process which I have called A Journey to Joy because that is exactly what is, and I think that we can all agree, we all need more JOY in our lives!
My purpose is to offer this journey to you.
A journey that enables you to return to the truth of you, and to unleash your own well of wisdom to rediscover and share your USP for being here.
It is needed, you are needed, you are special and the absolute beauty of your own birth-right is to know this and live it and be it.
Joy resides in you, it is you!
I have been given so many gifts to work with (and there was me not so long ago thinking I had no gifts, skills or talents!) and so in cocreation with my guides, I have created a number of magical offerings to aid, support, and guide you, no matter where you are at on your own journey.
All my offerings will aid you in your own spiritual development to living and leading in a more harmonious, healthier, happier and balanced way on every level - mindfully, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially.
There is nothing lacking in you, it is all there.
The pathways of unlimited potential, purpose, and endless possibility awaits,
all you have to do to take the first step is believe it so.
It gives me the greatest of pleasure and it is such an honour to share with you these services.
For I am ready to shine the light in me, and I have earnt my feathers, the right to guide others home to their light.
We are all beacons of light.
We are all prophecies of change.
If you feel the calling to be the change you want to see and feel a connection with me, I would love to hear from you!
And if you decide to work with me, it would be an honour to be part of your guiding light team.
May I walk into the depths of love, into the light,
and to lead from the wisdom I have, and I am learning.
May the light within me securely be seen,
a beacon of fresh breath radiating out.
Aiding to return the earth to work as one,
for the collaborative good of all.
I give thanks to Mother Earth for gracing me with the gift of being an ambassador teacher for the Earth and for all the wisdom that feeds my footprint so that it may be seeded for future generations.
I give thanks to the beautiful land I have been placed upon, that provides such a sanctuary for me and my family, the centre of my wheel, my field of plenty where creation springs to me and where the wildflowers grow.
To Father Sky, Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon I honour and respect you.
To the spirit of Eagle, Whale, Bear and Buffalo, to the 4 directions and all the elements for growing me into my purpose.
To my divine guides and helpers, the Native Elder Ancestors for showing me who I really am, and placing the sacred pipe of community and peace into my hands, for all the breath-taking teachings of a new way of leadership.
To the Grandmothers of the Light & the Celestial beings for their indescribable divine love and light and for the RISE teachings for feminine leadership.
To the Grandmother of Sacred Footprint for shining the light so my spirit could speak and gift to me more of my footprint and for the great honour of co-creation which enables me to share the divine teachings of the importance of this way and to gift to others their footprint for good.
To all my soul helpers and loved ones who walk with me, thank you - to the beauty, strength and bravery of my own Spirit, I honour and respect you.
I give my complete gratitude for the teachings of Sacred Mountain and the medicine way, for A Journey to Joy which guides me home and helps me to remember a time and a way, where the whole of humanity once lived and led completely fulfilled. In harmony and balance with each other on this beautiful abundant planet that has enough provision for us all.
It is a great honour to return these teachings to those that are called to receive them.
To Julie Anne Hart my spiritual teacher and colleague, for her beautiful gift as channel and voice to divine higher realms of consciousness and for all her giving,
encouragement, support and teachings that aid me to walk faith filled beyond my self saboteur and fear into my mission.
To the women who form the Beyond Your Business community who bravely walk beside me with their own footprints for good.
And of course, to my parents, to my family and friends who may not always understand me, and nor do they need to, but love and support me anyway.
To Great Spirit thank you for the gifts I have been given, I pray that I may feel the greatness and beauty of them and that I may use them wisely.
May I be brave, may I be bold and may I be daringly different and may those that I am here to serve walk to me.
Esther x
Copyright © 2024 Let LOVE be your footprint.
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I invite you to take a pause, take some time just for you.
Gift yourself some Self love and Self care and with this gentle meditation journey within to meet your beautiful and magnificent Self.
Feel the love and light that you truly are.
from my heart to yours
Esther x