If you are feeling the calling in your heart to expand your wings and take flight, to soar to new heights in your business, welcome to your flight path! I am Esther it is lovely to meet you, and it is my passion and purpose to guide and mentor other women to reach for the stars.
To embody and embrace the energetic frequency of The 5 star Entrepreneur.
I know you are super busy, so let's dive straight in.
I invite you to consider these 2 questions:
And now consider how many times do the answers that come to mind often lead you down the garden path into the messy maze of confusion, crisis and challenge? Where your overriding thought is that you are doing something wrong - if it worked for them, why not for me? you can't do it, its not meant for you, you need to start again, you must take more action, different action, move on to yet another idea, adopt another strategy, seek another business mentor, join a new business growth programme, get more followers on social media......the list goes on!
More doing is required in order to 'get there' in order achieve more success.
The responses that your mindful thoughts offer up are not helpful, they are not inspiring, instead they are aligned with the self saboteur, imposter syndrome thoughts of not enough, not worthy, all the nots....! and they are the result of a mainstream way of thinking out your well 'thought out' business strategy.
Now let me provide the truthful answers to those questions:
And whilst I am a business mentor and I am offering this business growth programme, I promise you that if you follow and commit to the process this will create the change you seek. This will be the last investment in business growth strategy you will ever need to make.
I have created this high level group programme for women who are called to their highest level of business success and beyond, for there is always another level to seek. You are infinite in your potential because you are an infinite being!
You will experience this when you master your energy.
I have decided to run this as a small group programme, 5 spirited woman in total. My reason is because there is even more exponential power and growth in groups of women, who not only are individually masters of their own energy, connected to their soul purpose, who are already a million times more impactful, creative and successful than a woman who is not, but who also when are part of a group of likeminded women, who raise and support each other, where they intentionally connect to uplift others, will soar to new heights. There is so much power in the alignment of elevated 5 star energy.
This exciting business paradigm we are in is also calling for more company, connection, collaboration, leading to unlimited creation and what you give out returns to sender threefold, this is universal law and I desire the absolute greatest of success for you.
In this advanced business growth programme you will embark on The 5 Star Steps to Success, that leads to your North Star, through this process of awareness and action and working with a spiritual strategy in your business, you will experience and receive:
I have created my company The Art of Being In Business entirely as a result of the transformative process I am offering to you. I used to work for one of the world's largest energy companies, but now I work with an entirely different energy!
My company The Art of Being in Business serves to deliver an output of high level success to entrepreneurs and C-Level business leaders who feel the calling to reach the heights of their business success, who want to make an impact, who want to excel but in a different way forward, one with a greater understanding of humanity.
I offer many business success strategies for advanced life and leadership by blending two approaches, an interception of spirituality and business.
Coming into the art to being in business (life and leadership to) needs the magic of a spiritual business strategy added to the strategic mix. If you do not work with any spiritual wisdom or insight, you are missing out on vital driver for success, you are not in alignment with your unique energetic blueprint, which is the spirit of you.
The 5 Star Entrepreneur is a spiritual star strategy for business growth and success, It follows a process called The 5 Star Steps to Success that unlocks the unique energetic blueprint that holds the coding for your unlimited business success.
This process enables you to clear space for this energy to unleash, you release and you reclaim and you rise. When you are in energetic equilibrium, in unity with the self, you create a new energetic marketing strategy - that is written in cocreation with your energetic blueprint. You feel it, as well think it.
You have clarity upon your business values, ethics, ethos, message, mission, voice, impact, your brand is in energetic alignment with your super power.
You work with a new magic marketing mix - to create the strong foundation from which your business can grow and reach new heights. The 4Ps and the 4R's that naturally leads to positive PR!
The new magic marketing mix provides the building blocks to ensure your business structure supports your newly elevated energetic flow. It is not set and rigid, it is the Wheel of Marketing, it directs the flow exactly to where it needs to go across your business.
The Wheel of Marketing ensures every part of the wheel turns in harmony, all people and all parts are in energetic alignment for you will attract who and what is right for you. The wheel keeps on turning, gaining momentum, your business growth accelerates and heads to the stars, on course to your new North Star.
Lets start with the word HUMAN BEING, for the clue of what I am about to share, is in the name!
Your BEING is your energetic body and your HUMAN is the physical body, the matter manifested from energy.
You are an energetic being, and as such you are vibrational being.
You have your own unique blend of energy, an energetic DNA blueprint which is the spirit of you - the being, which just like your cellular chromosomal DNA encoding that determines your unique physicality, holds the coding of who you are here to be, and what you are here to do, your unlimited purpose and potential. Its holds the souls records of everything it has ever experienced, your Akashic records.
It is uber intelligent, it is your wisdom, it is your power and it is connected to the universal source energy that guides us all. We have learnt to disconnect from this blueprint, we are so completely separate it has become so lost and disassociated with, that it is considered woo woo and that simply will no longer do!
There are many ways to gain insight into your own blueprint, there are energetic archetypes that you may relate with, these are really fun and great at aiding shifts on self awareness and for enabling positive team dynamics. They are useful as a starting point to understand energy as a concept and how energetic patterning and traits are formed and shape the human persona and characteristics. They help you to get to know yourself a lot better, why you perhaps think, feel and act the way you do. Astrology and you star sign is an obvious one, but to really get the depths of your potential, to truly embody the 5 star Entrepreneur blueprint and rediscover your power - your rocket fuel! to seek new heights in your business success requires a self commitment to a spiritual strategy that connects you to the unique energetic blueprint within.
For you have your own unique resonance, a sound and a song, when you master your energy your soul will sing its song and communicate all the beauty that it is here to be. Yes really!
As matter created from energy, you are already at one with the field of cosmic universal consciousness , of source energy, for this same energy forms the creation of you. You are already a channel for this energy. If you clear space for it, it will flow through you and to you, and when you work with this pure higher vibrational energy you alleviate the conflict, the challenge, the confusion and you elevate your senses to receive clarity, aspiration, innovation and inspired creation is the output.
Your energetic blueprint, the source energy in you is the highest vibration of all, it resonates with the frequency of unconditional love. We live in a world where love is conditional and people and planet are saturated in fear which makes it a challenge to resonate at our highest frequency in alignment and balance with our highest vibration that is our birth-right.
Your heart is the vessel that must be open to receive it, to receive we must be able to attract it, like a magnet and so this strategy starts with self love, for it all starts and ends with the self. Not many of us truly know how to love ourselves for we are taught that love is conditional and most of us have learnt to be our own worst critics.
To be positioned into the heights of your unlimited potential and success, if you want a soul led business and to experience the heights of success your energy must be in alignment with the heights of vibration that is accessible to you. The higher your energy ascends the greater heights you reach. I hope this is making sense! It took me a while on my own journey to realise the missing piece of the jigsaw for me to align energetically was learning to love myself unconditionally, with self acceptance and self compassion devoid of self judgement and criticism, so I share only to try to save you some time! And If you do work with me I will give you all the scaffolding you need to return to self love......
......You will know when it’s time to call your spirit forth, for you will feel it. Before you were born it signed a form to agree to perform so that you can deliver your soul contract - the heights of your potential and purpose, that your spirit - aka 5 Star Entrepreneur! signed on your behalf and agreed to deliver, when you call it forth and request it to step into service.
You will feel that you have something more to achieve that feels bigger than perhaps what you have been aiming for.
Perhaps you have reached your set destination of success or even gone beyond it, but now you are there its not as fulfilling as you had expected, you start to consider that perhaps success might be more personal to you.
That its not just about the financial wealth, there is a wanting to feel wealthy on a deeper level, a new kind of richness is what you desire.....and in this feeling your spirit starts to stir and she whispers, (for she is very gentle and will not shout she will wait for you to call and listen), 'take a moment to pause for thought, you are always rushing about, be quiet and rest, take a breath, pull up a chair, put your feet up, be still, be silent and listen to my voice for I have something so precious and important to share from the depths of your heart and soul'....eventually you do as requested and your journey to joy begins and you have found yourself here.
Or take heed, if like me you do not listen, she may request assistance from the infinite spirit to which she has on speed dial! and the Universe will deliver a divine intervention - a GREAT STOP and you may be forced to be still and stop and listen. I recommend if you can hear the whispers, you down tools immediately and tune it, it is the path of least resistance to what you are destined to do.
As I have shared, you will feel the calling to change.
As a spirited and successful entrepreneur you may even already know the calling of your soul and what the next level you looks like, you may have even had your Akashic records read. You have a very strong intuitive knowing of your next level self, and have been given absolute clarity on your purpose and what you are here to do, this is what happened to me, this is amazing, but as I have learnt its not enough to just know this, for you cannot become it, if your energy is not in alignment.
If your energetic frequency is not aligned and it is being created by a messy mind, a mind fed by the dysfunctional external world of today that feeds an ego led version of you.
We have to move to being heart fed, aligning the power of the mind from this internal source, which is rich in wisdom and truth and to become spirit led, a 360 degree turnaround is required, a completely new way of being human and learning to understand and master our energy. Energy which is your power.
For your energetic blueprint can only be unlocked by you.
Only you can seek it, find it, connect to it, build a relationship with it, blend it, tweak it, play with it, create with it, learn to master it, it is your energy, it the being to your human, it is you and it is all in the feeling and that is intimate within you. No one externally can give it to you. As a woman in business I am sure you have encountered plenty who will try to think for you! but no one can feel for you!
When you ignite the feeling you do not need to be an external seeker. All for the answers you seek to achieve the next height of your success are encoded in you and only a deep connection inwards through a spiritual strategy can unlock it.
I invite you to pay attention to your thoughts, are they fearful or faithful? are they creating the energy of joy or pain?
In the clearing of your mind through The 5 Star Steps to Success formula you will experience alchemy, you will be on an infinite journey to joy, where the focus for success is on the present moment, you experience true success each and every day, not just in the future, for this is such a limited view of success, we miss out on so much of our lives when we define success in this way and focus on a destination. You will reconsider success during these steps and expand it far greater than before so you can truly be more.
This powerful process will bring awareness to the attributes that keep you stuck and stagnant, letting go of the mindful thoughts that create the lower energy that blocks and barriers your next level success, clearing space within your energy system for the true blueprint of you to reclaim its rightful domain. You will feel the change in you which will filter out into your reality.
Release and reclaim, release and reclaim is the name of the game.
For your lower self cannot lead you into the heights of your success, only your higher self can. It requires a faith filled ongoing commitment to walking differently, a spiritual strategy and a spiritual path are essential.
Who you are and what you are here to do is already encoded within you from the stars.
Your energetic blueprint is your life-force, your breath, it is your higher Self, true Self, inner Goddess, inner intelligence - it is your spirit, whatever label you prefer to use, it matters not, but what does matter is that you understand that energy creates matter!
It creates your outer reality through the vibrational frequency it communicates, and it speaks louder than words. Mastering your own energy to create business outcome that matter to you, that matter to others, that relates with meaningful purpose and connection, that is impactful, enables your business to excel.
If you have no concept of this, if you consider yourself as 1 dimensional physical self or have no understanding of your own energy and which part of you (ego/mind, heart/spirit) is creating the vibration that is communicating through you and your business, you are disconnected from the 5 Star Entrepreneur that is already within you.
You are not connected to your inner wisdom and your own sat nav system, which knows the heights of your business potential and the perfect route for you to go.
Instead you will be following someone else's sat nav, lacking clarity upon the destination or the way to go, asking for directions from another and you will be driving the car with a lower quality fuel, that only has half the blend of ingredients it needs, chugging along, not firing up those engines with your special rocket fuel! You will be aligning with the energy that is externally all around, particularly in the world of business.
Masculine energy.
I am not saying masculine energy is a bad thing or it’s not needed, in fact its entirely necessary as a successful woman in business today to harness the attributes of this Yang energy. I am not disputing that the masculine energetic attributes are needed to achieve success.
I know that analytical thinking, logical, step by step, structured, planned, goal focused and a doing action, are all needed ingredients to deliver a recipe for business success, but I am saying that only recognising and working with this energy to create the momentum of power to change energy into matter is a limitation, it limits your company and you do not want your company to be limited in this sense, for it lacks.
It lacks feminine energy and its attributes, for even as a woman in business, a being in human physical female form, in order to be a successful one, you will be dominantly using all your YANG and not much YIN. Not understanding our energy, because we live in a world that only accepts the concept of a human as a physical form, ignoring the being part - the energetic form, even though the clue is in the name 'human being'! creates the out of balance, a disconnected and disempowered state, especially for woman whose dominant energy that naturally creates feminine power, that the physical form of woman is naturally aligned and created to work with, is missing.
Back to the car analogy, you have the engine but not the right fuel, so its lies inactive waiting for a spark to reignite the sparkplugs.
Regardless of your gender, your energy is genderless but it is made up of YIN and YANG, feminine and masculine attributes. You have a dominant source aligned with your physical biological sex, your cellular structure will be designed to support your dominant energy, if you are a woman you naturally have a dominate feminine energy and a system and a structure that in designed to support it to flow. For example aligned with the feminine energetic attributes of nurturing offspring, your brain has an addition contextual layer that is applied to decision making.
As woman you are naturally aligned with feminine energy, it is meant to be your dominant energy but it is not, for we live and lead in a world where is not considered to be of importance. A woman's power that one was revered is now feared.
Power which is associated with leadership and success, is defined with masculine energetic attributes and the world and its systems and structures of business and leadership are built upon patriarchal concepts. To succeed requires doing it a man's way in the world of business.
This is why so many of us women who ‘succeed‘ as entrepreneurs and business women within a masculine patriarchal world, or as in my own experience achieve success in masculine power based corporates, often reach burn out.
We are smart women, we know that in order to achieve and succeed we must play the game, fit in, by gender default we must work harder, do more, be more, the more, more, more and we stress, struggle and strive in order to thrive, but really we are not thriving, we are merely surviving. This is not a journey of joy!
In my experience successful business women are still not having it all, they are doing it all! and they are doing it in a man's way. It is exhausting, trying to be how you are not designed to be!
Over time there is an inevitability that the part of you that has been conditioned, controlled and contoured to succeed will show you that no matter how much of the more you get, there is pain in this way of gain and through mindful or physical health you may be forced to stop. This seems so unfair, why can't women have it all?
The great news is that it doesn't have to be this way, there is a much simpler strategy to success, and this is what I am so excited to share with you.
I am here to set the record straight, in fact to play a different record!
Feminine power is a thing, it is urgently needed, for it is the only way that balance can be restored to people and planet and you have this power within you. Just by aligning with your own energetic blueprint you are already a changemaker! making a global impact energetically. When you harness it and work with it, not only do you excel yourself, you create a positive charge that omits a shockwave! Can you see how you playing small doesn't serve any one at all?
There are many powerful attributes that this energy naturally provides when we are attuned in. Yin energy is highly adaptable, responsive, flexible, a go with the flow creativity, it intuitively adapts.
The feminine energetic structure is not set or rigid, it is not structured in boxes, it is structured and organised but in connection and alignment with the seasons and cycles of the earth, like the moon that controls the tides, it ebbs and it flows, it works in rhythm and considered timing, it does not push.
It is highly intuitive, it is not just thought out from a logical mind, it is felt out with these intuitive sensors before it is thought out. The energy holds the feminine attributes of care, kindness, nurturing, it is considerate, it is compassion, it is loving. it uses intuitive guidance, the 6th sense which sits at the seat of a woman's womb space, a well of wisdom, which is your internal sat nav system that knows exactly what your business success is, how to do it and every step that is right for you.
If you deny this natural energetic blueprint, your birthright to flow and it is not the driving force of your business you limit yourself and you are missing out on so much magic. It is a great loss. Not just for you.
Can you see how using feminine power blended with masculine power enables you to reach the next height of your business success?
Reclaiming this is the starting point.
The equation is simple; no change in You, no change in the business, the action is more complex.
When you are in unity there is alchemy. Your energetic blueprint has a resonance, a sound and a song, your job is to set the stage for it to sing! when it sings its unique song its vibration is aligned with the entire universal cosmic energy of which you are.
When you are in alignment in this way you do not need to learn to manifest, you are manifestation in physical form. Everything easily attracts to you, no stress, struggle or striving is needed when you work with this strategy.
Only when you are in unity with your self do you expand and realise that you are in unity with everyone and everything, this is the state of oneness, where the field of unlimited possibility welcomes you, where your business attracts everything that is perfect for you. The laws of magic and manifestation come out to play in your business.
You realise there is nothing you cannot do and just how truly powerful you are.
Unity in the Self is the strategic goal at the outset.
Master this, the rest of the steps are easy (ok easier) but I will guide you.
The 5 Star Entrepreneur process creates the conditions from which to grow.
To come into unity with the Self we must balance our energy, for these are the conditions from which to grow. You cannot support the spirit of you, the uber heights of unlimited potential and purpose to be unleashed, if your personal structure and foundation is unstable, out of balance.
When you are not in alignment with your dominant source energy, when you have been under utilising or worse not using at all, your feminine energetic power (becuase it doesn't even exist in today's world, it has been lost and it must return) You cannot unlock more of your potential and purpose that is encoded in your unique energetic blueprint/DNA if the conditions are not right for the inner light to shine bright!
We start this magic transformation to being a 5 Star Entrepreneur by identifying and being very aware to where your current energy is at, what heights are you vibrating at. Is it aligned with your greatest business vision? and what is feeding it, what energy are you fuelling your business with and what are you currently sharing out there with your business brand?
All the blocks and the barriers to the flow of energy that creates your business success, must be identified and then with loving acceptance (not self judgement or self criticism) you take inspired action to release more flow.
We must then adopt a strategy to identify and actualise the change that is needed to come into UNITY in the Self.
The 4 superpowers of the feminine will be returned to you during the 5 Star Steps to Success.
This process reignites your feminine power and coming into alignment with the attributes of your own feminine energy (power) your 4 Super S’s are returned to you. You will receive your:
1. support
2. structure
3. solidarity
4. spirit
Enabling you to reconnect to your internal feminine structure that knows exactly how to support you, so you can stay strong and solid in your sense of self, when your self saboteur tries to sneak in, when fear may strike in the face of adversity or challenge, always supporting you, providing an inner sanctuary of serenity whenever it is needed, connected to a well of wisdom and a sat nav system that guides you.
Using my creative car analogy (which perhaps comes from a marketing role for a petroleum oil company for many misguided years!), the car is upgraded - you are in the Ferrari now!
You no longer get distracted by the causes of road rage (being told that engine is too fast for you, try less horsepower instead) people trying to cut you up or push into your lane, other people’s expectations about how you should be driving and the route you are taking, the over takers dangerously trying to out manoeuvre you, taking foolish risks to get ahead, or worse try to make you crash, the glares of envy from others you may dazzle with your lights - that are now on high beam!
You are happy in your lane knowing it is the only route to your success, you do not need to look in the rear view mirror, you know the road travelled so far has always been paradise, it was the perfect route to prepare you for this stage of the journey. Your eyes are fixed on the route and your focus is on the forward movement. There need be no external distractions that divert your attention from the wheel or stopping to request directions from others who claim to know the way. You sat nav is automatically programmed to navigate all the different altitudes that the journey will present.
You put your foot down, feel the wind in your hair (it is a convertible Ferrari) and you take the mountain route to the summit.
And in your own lane, which you know is the only way for you to go, you no longer want to run anyone over, or even reverse over a toe, for in your feminine energy of which you are, you are attuned with the feminine principles for success, with care, compassion, kindness, intuitive knowing, relating with love and its intelligence that is seeded into the business impact you make in the world.
You may even consider stopping to give a sister who is a little lost on her journey a lift, for you understand the power of giving to another, of rising and supporting others, that what is given out is always returned to sender. And that the true definition of feminine success is in the collective rising of all women.
You are aligned with the blueprint of The 5 Star Entrepreneur. Congratulations.
Having spent two decades in strategic loyalty marketing roles I know that whilst you are the breath, the life-force, the energy of the business, your marketing strategy is the heart of your business for it is the art of relating.
It is what I chose it as my profession as a young woman coming into the world of business after education in my quest for success. As an environment it was perfect for me for I am a star connector, a people person, and I am a communicator who leads, although I did not know that way back then!
I did however know that the art of any business to succeed lies in its ability to relate.
How we relate is the key to success, personally and professionally. A sales strategy does not need to pushed, rehearsed from a learnt sales script where the relating has a forced agenda, a hook to bait a bite, that no matter how you try to disguise can be felt. You can achieve so much more when you focus on an energetic marketing strategy, the driver behind the relating, the why.
As the business owner and leader who sets the strategic direction and navigates the ship to success, how you relate is of vital importance. (apologies I have moved to a nautical analogy, but I like it so I am keeping it)
But Esther, I hear you say! there are many aspects that can be considered and conceptualised into your business growth strategy and a marketing strategy is just one strategy.
Yes, I agree, but the bottom line is if you cannot connect and relate to your own energy, which is the life force of the business, you cannot market your business successfully. And If you focus on your marketing strategy and align it with your energy, increased sales and clients/customers is a natural outcome, recommendation and reputation is a natural outcome, productivity and profit is a natural outcome.
There are 4 Ps + 4 Rs which are the components of a new marketing mix that underpins this marketing strategy, which together leads to Positive +PR which promotes the next level of success.
I repeat marketing is the art of relating, how we relate is the key to success.
If you cannot relate to your true self you cannot grow your business.
There are 5 major relationships that are needed to excel in business, in life and in leadership, all are explored within The 5 Star Entrepreneur, but it starts with the how you relate to your Self for this creates the energy you are giving out, verbally and non verbally, the latter speaks louder than words for we are sensory beings. Relating is an energetic vibrational exchange.
It is the exchange of energy which makes the world go round, for money is also just an exchange of energy. Money is made from trees!
And what does quantum physics teach us about energy?
Like attracts Like.
This is Law of Attraction.
It is therefore the business marketing strategy that seeds the success for that either attracts or repels the perfect clients and customers.
When you master the energy that fuels the marketing strategy, by bringing awareness to it, cleaning it up, coming into balance with your feminine superpowers and making space for your unique blueprint to flow, the outcome of business growth is a natural outcome.
If you cannot relate to yourself aligned with the frequency that flows through you then you cannot truly relate to your true business mission, ethos, ethics, values, people, passion, purpose, meaningful impact, business brand and no matter what words you use, how much you invest in your beautiful branding logo and colours, if your energy is not aligned and you do not feel it, your clients and customers will not be aligned, they will not feel it and you business growth and success will be limited.
We are sensory beings, it is our feelings that come to the forefront of our sensors when we relate and connect, it your energy they feel, the energy behind the words.
We live in a world where we pay so much attention to trying to show up perfectly, especially in the world of business with a predefined image of professional and successful, now further compounded by the glitz, glam and airbrushed reality of social media.
We focus so much on making sure we are picture, word and pitch perfect! but when we place the focus and attention here, we move into our minds which have learnt to be guarded in how they relate, and away from our hearts which radiate the love and passion we have for our business purpose. The depth of meaning, the Why that defines the service offering to aid another is weakened and we close down our energy, which is the opposite of what we need to do!
For it isn't the words or the imagery that a person connects with, it is the energy of you, the business brand, as an entrepreneur, the business leader, the brand is you and your energy. The two are interlinked the person is in the profession. So the aim of this strategy is to be more you, not do more.
This is so important to consider for business growth and success especially now In these times of change, where the collective energy of humanity is evolving. People are seeking more depth and meaning.
You will also struggle to attain and retain the right team, who are a fit to truly support your business growth, they will be attracted only by the salary and benefits you offer, not connected to you and your business mission energetically. When something better comes along, they will be gone and all that time you invested is wasted…unless of course with awareness you understand the lesson and implement the change.
To be a 5 Star Entrepreneur we work with a new spirited star strategy, we add in the power of your energy to create a super charged reenergised marketing strategy where every component of your business is aligned with your energetic marketing strategy to propel you to the next height of your business potential.
To work with me on this programme there is a requirement to open your mind, to expand beyond your current mindset, for you will be presented with concepts that no logical thinking can work out.
In fact there is a requirement to stop thinking and starting feeling!
And there is a requirement to make a self commitment to the process to achieve a balanced energetic approach to your business creation, planning, decision making, strategy, sales and marketing and inspired action, which can only be achieved through mastering your own unique energy which takes a continual commitment.
In this module I introduce you to your true Self, that is often hidden under the layers of a false identity that is a limitation, becuase this version of you hides behind all the expectation's that have been placed upon you, especially as a woman you will have been controlled, cultured and conditioned to be a certain way, a way that I can guarantee you is not aligned with the 5 star self you were born to be.
I invite you to get to know and embrace your spiritual self, not just your mindful, emotional and physical self. Through integrating spiritual wisdom and the wisdom way into your business leadership you can take quantum leaps into your unlimited energetic blueprint to success.
Through 5 powerful Facets of the Self you will consider the change that is needed in you to excel and advance your business success.
Working with spirited universal laws of energy alignment you will learn principles that if committed to will propel you into higher levels of consciousness that you can apply to your business because it is only when you access these realms that the 5 star Entrepreneur can be experienced.
You will experience a powerful shift in your self awareness through tapping into a new consciousness, and when you work in alignment with that it will touch and transform all aspects of your business.
When you harness your own energetic blueprint, and clear the blocks you become unlimited in all that you do.
Like attracts like, when your energy is flowing in abundance and ease, when your company brand is fully aligned with your soul purpose and your unique gifts, skills and talents, you will find that you attract the quality of clients you are meant to work with, customers you are meant to serve and leaving your imprint and impact aligned with your USP Unique and special Soul Purpose, expanding your sense of success and fulfilment.
You will be given back your feminine superpowers.
This step integrates and actualises all the changes your have considered in step 1 in YOU.
This step moves to consider the change in your business.
There are many considerations for change that will be presented to you that enable you to build a solid business foundation from which to thrive and scale up.
You will consider your own definitions and concepts.
You will create your new energetic marketing strategy, working with a new magical Marketing Mix that provides all the building blocks you need to build your new next level creation upon.
These considerations are grounded in the feminine principles of business success and leadership that enable you to set up a structure that creates opportunities for all, a new way of serving your clients and customers, that creates a company culture where everyone can excel.
Even if that company is just You, it matters not.
A new magical Marketing Mix When you consolidate the new concepts you have considered that create the changes in you and your business, you become the full version of you, there can be no playing it small. this is the 5 star entrepreneur that is you!
You will not be afraid to be seen, to be heard and to take up all the space you are meant to. When you ignite the eternal flame within you are on fire. When you connect to your true energy you know your soul purpose, you open your heart and receive. and in the receiving you understand the beauty of the giving, and the laws of manifestation.
The true meaning of manifestation is to expand and clear your energy so you can receive all the abundance that you are destined to receive.
Your roadmap for success is created.
With the wisdom, tools and techniques for mastering your own energy you become the embodiment of the 5 star Entrepreneur.
You are have your blueprint for success, based on your energetic blueprint. you have your roadmap for success, a new business strategy, a new business plan and a marketing approach that naturally sells, for you will relate differently in all that you do.
You have come into the art of being.
Throughout each month you will have two group Star Constellation sessions with me, where I will guide you all through the 5 steps. Share wisdom, answer any questions and open space for connection and collaboration in our community of creation and support.
Each month you have a personal Star Alignment session to ask anything you think will be helpful specifically to you. Use it to run through your business strategy where I will input my business expertise and intuitive guidance.
Purposeful workbooks, guided meditations, powerful tools and techniques are provided to guide the process.
This business and life changing experience will take 5 months to complete, your 5 star investment is £1,111 per month.
I offer a monthly payment plan where you can pay in 5 equal instalments and a 5% discount for payment in full at the outset.
If you feel the calling then there is no coincidence your are here!
I would be delighted to welcome you to The 5 Star Entrepreneur programme and guide you to your next level of business success.
Places are limited to 5 per cohort because it is important that I build a close relationship with all of my clients so that I can offer the best service I can.
To ensure we are a good energetic match for each other, I invite all my potential clients to get in touch to book a free 20 minute discovery call. Simply click the 'book my place' button below and complete the contact form and I will get in touch.
I can't wait to meet you.
P.S. As a giveback to your commitment to invest in yourself at this level and to thank you for choosing me as your business coach, I am offering a 15% discount for HOW leadership & The 12 Steps to Advanced Living and Leadership transformation programmes, both excellent resources to support your ongoing transformation journey.
I invite you to take a pause, take some time just for you.
Gift yourself some Self love and Self care and with this gentle meditation journey within to meet your beautiful and magnificent Self.
Feel the love and light that you truly are.
from my heart to yours
Esther x