What is it?
It is THE journey of your life and your leadership!
It is the most spiritually advanced level of a Journey to Joy coaching.
Spotlight is based upon the ancient teachings of the Native American Medicine Wheel, it is medicine for your soul.
It is a sacred journey, the medicine wheel, the Sacred Hoop teachings transcribed for Spotlight, is the circle of lessons that each person must pass through to complete their journey.
The medicine wheel is the blueprint for all situations and can be used in a multitude of ways. In learning to walk the sacred hoop and climb sacred mountain, life becomes extraordinary, exciting, and filled with beauty. The mundane awareness of daily living melts away when we pause to sense the adventure that life is calling.
We have lost our sense of belonging to the total creation of Great Mystery, In understanding the lessons presented we learn to touch life in a deeper, more gentle way. The understanding comes from a way of being, living, thinking and leading.
Spotlight shines the light on you, it lights up the pathways that must to be stepped upon to walk the Wisdom Way.
It is a year long intensive and deeply spiritual transformational process for those who feel a calling and have a desire to consolidate a complete change in consciousness in their life and leadership.
This is an investment in your highest version of the Self.
It is an ascension process, it is your rising.
The journey is powerful, the spotlight will shine upon you and it will sweep in every corner so that the old Self is swept away, for you cannot climb Sacred Mountain, to the height of your Sacred destiny, carrying any baggage and burden of the false Self.
And so you will change, your life and your leadership will change, you cannot embark on this journey and not change.
These are ancient sacred steps to walk. I must stress that it is not a journey to be taken lightly. You will feel a calling.
"The faithful of all Nations have kept the Enternal Flame alive in their hearts since the beginning of time. The Sacred Hoop is growing stronger becuase those that were Red People in other lives are now remembering their roots and coming together from different pathways to preserve the Earth Mother and reconnect with the Spirits of Nature. When we as Children of Earth lose sight of where we fit into the Medicine Wheel of life, we lose sight of the unified circle and how to live in a sacred manner. Our Native Nations are gathering the Teachings and preparing the way for the Fifth World of Peace by returning ceremony, ritual, and using the wisdom of the Ancestors to heal any old wounds and bitterness. The Spirit of the People is returning and the Whirling Rainbow of Peace is mending our hearts" The Discovery of Self through Native Teachings Jamie Sams
The process will advance you on many levels, emotionally, mindfully, spiritually, physically, and financially.
Working with me on this 121 programme, is a consolidation of conscious living and leadership at its most advanced, and so to embark upon this level of a Journey to Joy you must already have a spiritual practice and feel committed to your own further spiritual expansion and advancement, for this journey will stretch you and advance you in many ways.
I have, and continue to invest all of me into this process, and so to truly be of service and to serve my clients, spaces are limited and by application only.
How We Work
To truly understand a new dynamic in life and leadership you must walk the wheel until it is complete. Each direction teaches many lessons that apply to your life and leadership and each will assist your forward movement. Your choices are illumination and clarity, new beginnings(East) faithfulness, humility, letting go (South) introspective, goals, leadership, strength (West) or wisdom and gratitude (North) I work with the animal spirit totems of each direction to further aid your journey.
I will be intuitively guided upon the direction and the type of movement that will keep your wheel turning. In all cases, the medicine wheel teachings that Spotlight is built upon, places the light on what is perfect for you. The quality of the new cycle depends on you, your actions and attitudes, towards your own growth and evolution on every level.
To offer a degree of flexibility and flow to your investment, you can opt for a pathway approach working for 3 months and then take a pause, before commencing with your next pathway when you are ready to do so.
There are 4 major directional pathways to Spotlight each with 3 steps.
The journey has 2 routes an outer and inner journey.
One represents your humanness and the other your spirit.
There are in total 8 pathways and 24 steps.
We work upon 2 pathways and 6 steps per quarter.
In our 121 sessions which can be face to face or remote, I will teach you the wisdom and guidance of each pathway.
The pathway presented and the direction you take will be unique to you and will be presented intuitively, it will always be perfect for you.
Through safe and relaxing guided visualisations/meditations you will experience soul journeys into another dream time reality, to experience the teachings and integrate them into your energetic body.
We will discuss how these teachings relate to your life and your leadership and how to implement the wisdom to create change.
I will guide you through what comes up for you and support you to live and lead with the beauty of the ancient Wisdom Way. The only way to walk if you feel the calling to reach the heights of your own potential, and to be positioned into your own sacred destiny.
If you have the feeling and feel a deep pull to this way, please get in touch. It would an honour to guide you.
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I invite you to take a pause, take some time just for you.
Gift yourself some Self love and Self care and with this gentle meditation journey within to meet your beautiful and magnificent Self.
Feel the love and light that you truly are.
from my heart to yours
Esther x