What is it?
This is an education and an ascension consultancy service for spirited woman in leadership positions that are ready to return the way of the matriarchy to the boardroom.
That know that even though they have a place at the table, it is not a true positioning, they are not supported to stand strong in their feminine power. They feel the trade off and they are ready to play a different game, one of care, compassion and humanity.
It is for women that are already smashing all the targets of success within patriarchal systems but know there is a greater meaning to success and their leadership positioning. Who are tired of doing it all, in a man's way. That can see and feel the out of balance within leadership.
This is for women who are brave enough and bold enough to change the conversation, to truly understand what it means and what it takes to be a conscious leader.
Who know that gender equality targets are still a trade off, still surface level change, for there is a much greater depth of change that must be dug up, explored and considered for balance to be restored to people and planet. Unity far beyond equality is the new target!
This is for women that are wishing to excel in their leadership with purpose and a depth of meaning that will pave the way for the next generation of female leaders.
This is for woman who have had enough of dimming their magnificence to fit in.
This may sound like a war cry!
It does come from my inner warrioress that is true! and I know all my experiences in leadership served to place me into this purpose but I acknowledge we need a new approach.
We cannot keep fighting for change, for is does not create the depth of change that is needed. We need to return love and its intelligence to leadership, the wisdom of a woman's womb and way, that was once revered and now is feared.
This is a cry of passion for change, it is also a prayer, to gather the women who are ready to RISE.
For women who are ready to return to the beauty within, her power, her potential, her passion, her purpose and her prosperity.
Who feel different and know it time to make the difference real!
In 2019 his Holiness the Dalai Lama declared 'that the western woman will save the world', this is true, and I have it on divine authority that this time is now!
It is time to be seen, to truly be heard , to shine brightly, it is time for a woman's voice to be heard and revered.
Women will become ageless and return to their sovereignty once more.
And it is time for women to come together, to:
RISE - Reignite in Sisterly Emergence
RISE - Reunite in Source Energy
The feminine superpower at its rawest is Support, this is the essence of sisterly success.
I offer to you a connection to your own support and ALL of my support.
You are really a Wonder Woman! There are 4 superpowers that will be returned to women through this process, her support, her solidarity, her structure and her spirit.
It is my passion and purpose to position you into the pinnacle of your potential through a returning to the feminine power and wisdom you hold, and that is so greatly needed.
So that you can create change through taking your rightful seat at the boardroom table, as a female leader, authentic in your own femininity and dominate energy. To lead the change that is needed in the world, that starts with changing the driver, no longer a false sense of Self suffocated in fear, to being brave enough and bold enough to seek the true Self, who is fearless and leads with love.
No longer fuelled on rage and anger, but ready to be open to receive a way that has been lost, the divine feminine way, fuelled upon care, compassion, kindness and an unwavering love for humanity.
To stand strong, held rock steady by their own rock, the spirit within found through their own Journey to Joy.
Women cannot rise into the divine positions we need to take in order to rise humanity and work in alignment with the feminine consciousness for change, if we strive alone in an old way of doing things, entrenched in the fear-based energy that we currently live and lead within.
We need to support each other. To drop the competition, the jealousy, the man made false fear of scarcity and lack, there is nothing lacking in you!
You are a divine Goddess, a powerful creator and there is no coincidence you are a leader.
The feminine way of leadership is a paradigm shift within a new business paradigm, that paves the way to a strategic outcome of UNITY, of fairness for all, through the feminine considerations for change.
The Wisdom Way, the beauty way, of consideration, care, compassion and a kindness that weaves a new way forward for everyone.
For men in positions of power and leadership, are also out of balance, people and planet are out of balance. This is the root cause of the misplaced control we see, and men cannot have considerations for change until women identify, actualise, consider, conceptualise and emerge in their own power, purpose, potential and prosperity.
Women lead the way forward for change. The primal role of feminine energy, its importance in the workplace and for generations to come, through the elimination of conflict and the embodiment of compassion, care, and kindness to be a conscious creator, a conscious leader is a necessity.
This is how important you are.
The next 7 generations are in our hands.
There is so much much power, potential and possibility that paves the way for your Rising,
How we work
121 Coaching - work with me in depth over 24 weeks.
If a part of you hears and feels my cry, please get in touch,
I have so much to share, and I would love to hear from you!
Copyright © 2024 estherwalker.com. Let LOVE be your footprint.
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I invite you to take a pause, take some time just for you.
Gift yourself some Self love and Self care and with this gentle meditation journey within to meet your beautiful and magnificent Self.
Feel the love and light that you truly are.
from my heart to yours
Esther x